
Make Your Dream Come True

Wake up boys, don't just be a dreamer
life is reality
make your dream come true !!!!!!
You can use this way to get that....

1. Discover the Awesome Power of a Dream.

Allow yourself the courage and freedom to even fantasise until you get a vision, a dream of what your life could one day stand for. Meditate deeply, pray, ask God, The Great Designer, what is your unique "calling in life", your purpose... and you WILL eventually get the answer... from the "still quiet voice within" (or your Higher Self)

2. Your dream must be backed by ACTION.

Achievers are dreamers and DOERS. Take small steps and you'll find that one step leads to another, then the next. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

3. Develop a 'God Consciousness'

TRUST, really trust God, the Spirit of the Universe for the successful outcome to your endeavours. It WILL happen, though not in your time-frame and according exactly to your expectations. But always remember, God's dreams are far bigger than we could ever imagine ourselves.

4. DEVELOP YOUR DESIRE to see the dream come to fruition.

Work on your motivation daily. Allow your Dream to be at the fore-front of your life, the "core of your being". It will motivate, inspire and energise you by giving you a SENSE OF PURPOSE - essential. Only YOU have the power to kill your dream. Nothing is impossible to the person, whose vision becomes a dream and when that dream is allowed to take control over your life. Like an obsession... but strive for balance (heed that one, Craig).

5. Develop a Success Consciousness, that you will achieve your dream one day.

It's a positive pattern of thinking, a great attitude/mind-set to have, which will propel you down the road to success. Think abundance and prosperity and not lack.... and you will draw it to yourself from the Universe.

6. Don't surrender to negative assumptions.

Eg."I'm too old, a woman, have no money, no resources, no contacts". Challenge them. Nothing is impossible to the person who has the desire to succeed. As the proverb says, " where there's a will, there's a way".

7. Be patient.

Like a good wine, a great dream usually takes many years to mature and then blossom. When nothing seems to be happening, don't give up hope. Never.

8. Never Give Up on the Core of your Dream. Never!

Ask yourself this vital question: What are the alternatives to
NOT dreaming it... and only YOU can kill your grand vision..


when I'm.....

when I'm not sure this way can give things that i want
i don't want to stand alone without my big dream
and what I did can't be undone,,,it's tearing me apart
for me Love is not for this time
love is not things real for me
lie, dishonesty ate me away like cancer
all of fact looked relative on my eyes

I feel Your power
Hear my prayer, I'm in your hands now
Bring me home again
I believe You can do anything
Everything that You want will be true
Answer my prayer,, answer my prayer...