
How to add colour in a monochrome yard

I am going to assume your yard has mostly sunny areas, so here are five ways to easily add some colorful spots to your small garden to brighten it up, keep it low maintenance, water friendly, and fit into your small area.

1. Add Succulents

In your climate zone which is around a USDA Zone 8 to 9

Zone 8:
(10 to 20° F, -12 to -7° C)

Zone 9:
(20 to 30° F, -7 to -1° C)

You can easily support the growth of succulents. Many people don't use succulents to their best advantage because they think they are boring, but with so many new varieties available now, don't overlook these useful plants!

They come in all shades of gray, gray-blue, green, red, purple, and pink foliage, and many flower profusely for several months out of the year.

Just look at some of these pictures for ideas and to see how they could easily brighten up your yard!

2. Add Hanging Baskets

Another quick and easy way to add color to your yard is to have a few hanging baskets. They are fast to make, easy to care for, and take up very little space.

3. Add Plants With Different Sizes, Variegated Leaves, And Texture

There are so many different varieties of trees and shrubs these days, it's easy to pick out plants that, just through their color and texture, can add a lot to a yard or garden. Plants such as hosta, viburnum, and maple.

4. Add Plants With Different Leaf Color

Plants like Coleus, Croton, or New Zealand Flax (Phormium) naturally add interest with their bold colors.

5. Add Colorful Pots

We talked about this last month (Add A Bold Statement With Colorful Post), that by just adding a few colorful pots, with or without plants, you can really add some zest and pop to your yard.

Thanks for the question Chantell; see you all next month with another Gardening Design Idea!

"source : http://www.weekendgardener.net

Beware For The unexpected Crime

Theft, robbery or revenge is a modus operandi of the crime that often occurs around the boardinghouse. There is a story against the backdrop of the true story of a friend who happened before my eyes a few days ago.

Here's the story ... then at 2 pm GMT at a boarding sound HELP! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Followed "HPku robbed". Cries for help are the first and second I just bercandaan cuman kirain long kok transmissivity, therefore all the inhabitants of boarding and finally out of the room all in unison with the sound of the motor was moving away with a distinctive voice RX King. With our startled to see a friend with blood pouring from wounds all over his jab in his body. difikiranku tense moment, fear etc. mixed into one, cuman what can we do for our friends is to save his life first. With my friend bike ride on a bicycle to the hospital with her ​​other friend to get first aid. Imagine three blows on the head samurai and 8 other wounds on his body blows. shirt and pants do not feel too wet by fresh blood from my friend that I ride on a bicycle, oh God this is my Wonderfull and very Valuable Experience for me. for the friend a friend who lives in a boarding house be careful,,,,
with suspicious people who brkeliaran boarding area.
ndak probably nothing wrong time ye ... we have guns to defend themselves ..

keep your eyes ON!!