
How to Take Care of Your Lovely Laptop

There are a number of easy things that you can do to keep your laptop in great shape; following these easy steps will help to ensure that it lasts longer and will need less maintenance. As an added bonus, many of the steps will also maintain your laptop's speed.

  1. Keep liquids away from your laptop. As tempting as it might be to drink coffee, soda, water or any other liquid near your laptop, accidents can happen all too easily. Spilled liquids may damage the internal components or cause electrical injury to the laptop. Short circuits can corrupt data or even permanently destroy parts. The solution is very simple: Keep your drinks away from your computer. Even if you're careful, someone else might bump into your desk or you. Or you can use a cup with a cover on it, so even if it does spill, the liquid doesn't go any where!
  2. Having an available antivirus software would help. Even if you know what you download, it may contain a virus that can lead to a circuit error in your system hardware or slowness in the software.
  3. Keep food away from your laptop. Don't eat over your laptop. The crumbs can go down between the keys in the keyboard and provide an invitation to small bugs. The crumbs can also irritate the circuitry. Worse, it makes the laptop look dirty if there are crumbs and food stains on it.
  4. Always have clean hands when using your laptop. Clean hands make it easier to use your laptop touchpad and there will be less risk of leaving dirt and other stains on the computer. In addition, if you clean your hands before use, you will help reduce wear and tear on the coating of the laptop caused by contact with sweat and small particles that can act upon the laptop's exterior underneath your wrists and fingers.
  5. Protect the LCD display monitor. When you shut your laptop, make sure there are no small items, such as a pencil or small ear-phones, on the keyboard. These can damage the display screen when shut; the screen will scratch if the item is rough. Close the lid gently and holding from the middle. Closing the lid using only one side causes pressure on that hinge, and over time can cause it to bend and snap.
  6. Hold and lift the computer by its base, not by its LCD display (the screen). If you lift it by the screen part alone, you could damage the display or the hinges attaching it to the base. The display is also easily scratched or damaged by direct pressure – avoid placing pressure on it.
  7.  Don't pull on the power cord. Tugging your power cord out from the power socket rather than putting your hand directly on the plug in the socket and pulling can break off the plug or damage the power socket. Also, if you have the power point near your feet, avoid constantly bumping into the plug or you could loosen it and eventually break it.
  8. Don't roll your chair over the computer cord. Stick the cord onto your desk with tape or a special computer cord tie which can be easily undone when you've finished using the laptop. Always try to keep most of the cord away from the floor or your legs; sometimes you can be so engrossed in what you're doing that you move your legs and forget the cord is there.
  9. Plug in accessory devices into their proper slots. Always look at the symbols on the laptop carefully before inserting devices. Jamming a phone line into an Ethernet port or vice versa could damage the sockets, making it impossible to use them again. It is very important to observe this step.
  10. Handle any removable drives with care. Floppy drives or CD drives that have been removed from your laptop can easily get crushed, dropped or pressed if you are careless. Put them straight into a bag or a storage box/case for safe keeping if you are not putting them back into the laptop.
  11. Insert drives into their slots carefully and at the correct angle. Pushing the wrong drive into a socket, or at an angle, or even upside down can jam it.
  12. Check to see if labels are affixed securely before inserting media into your laptop computer. Media such as CDs, DVDs or floppy disks should not have any loose label parts that might jam inside the laptop drive. Never insert undersized CDs, as these can damage the disk player permanently.
  13. Don't expose your laptop to rapid temperature fluctuations. When bringing your laptop indoors during winter, don't turn it on immediately. Instead, let it warm to room temperature first. This will avoid any potential for damage to the disk drive from condensation forming inside the machine. Avoid heat from sunlight as well.
  14. Don't leave your laptop in a car. Not only do the insides of cars experience large temperature swings that could damage a laptop, but a laptop (or laptop bag) is an inviting target for a smash and grab thief.
  15. Have the unit cleaned once a year to remove internal dust. Get this done by a computer professional. If dust accumulates, the system cannot cool itself correctly. Heat can destroy the motherboard.
  16. Avoid placing heavy materials, such as books, on top of your laptop and keyboard. This can push the LCD screen into the keyboard, and will eventually damage it. Also, the CD-ROM insert will also be squished and, eventually, will break.
  17. Use a properly-sized laptop case. Whatever you use to carry your laptop around in, be it a case, a bag or something you have made yourself, make sure that it it large enough to contain the laptop. This will avoid scratching, squeezing or even potentially dropping it.
  18. Look into getting a laptop bag. Many breaks happen because of laptops being dropped or bumped. A bag greatly reduces the risk of damage.
  19. Use and store in a well-circulated area. When you are using you r laptop, do so in a place that has a constant air-circulation. Lots of people ruin their laptop by using it in an enclosed area and thus making the laptop overheat. It also helps if you store it in a well circulated area.
  20. Use an old tooth brush to clean the area around the exhaust fan screen. If that gets plugged up, air flow is diminished and overheating can most certainly occur.
  21. Try and keep the laptop on a flat surface. This prevents damage to the laptop. This step can be hard, particularly if you are going out with your laptop, but if there is a flat surface available to put your laptop on then do so.
  22. Don't use your laptop on the bed. Repeated use of the laptop on the bed will cause the fans to suck up the dust and further debris which lies in the bed, ultimately blocking the fan. Refrain from this by using the laptop somewhere else than the bed.

    Source : http://www.wikihow.com/Take-Good-Care-of-Your-Laptop-Computer


11 Tips For Efficient And Effective Learning

Learning is a lifelong skill. From birth and throughout life, a person goes on a journey of acquiring knowledge. How this knowledge is gained varies from one individual to another because each one is created unique. There are some people who make little or no effort to learn and yet they do well in school. Others spend endless hours over their books but do not excel at all. Genes may have something to do with this, but more than the hereditary factor, it is the attitude towards learning that increases one’s ability to perform well. How one efficiently studies makes a capable learner. Here are a few tips to make the most out of learning:
  1. Take care of your health,  People like machines also need downtimes. Stress and fatigue due to studying for long periods of time render the brain less effective to absorb data. Hence, adequate rest should be taken. A healthy mind needs a healthy body - see to it that proper nutrition and regular exercise is always maintained.
  2. Develop a passion for learning, One should have a thirst for knowledge in order for learning to take place. Attending classes every day, reading and studying for hours, and accomplishing assignments do not guarantee positive results if you do not have that craving or focus to learn. Self-esteem somehow triggers this passion. The higher your self-confidence is, the more challenged you will become to learn faster.
  3. Find a study environment that is conducive, Elements in the environment play an important role in one’s quest for learning. A specific study area with ample lighting, privacy, and complete supplies and reference materials are but some essentials for a smooth and stress-free study time. A set routine should also be imposed. Assign a specific time during the day for study. Don’t just "fit it in" your schedule or else you’ll have no time at all.
  4. Set goals and targets, In order for each learning experience to be realistic, it is wise to set goals for yourself - goals that are measurable, achievable, time-bound, and flexible. Prepare weekly schedules, taking note of deadlines. For example, to get high grades, extra effort must be taken in studying and preparing for exams.
  5. Take breaks in between study sessions, The brain needs to be recharged once in a while as this is when it absorbs all data obtained from studying. Overexertion causes it to repel information and makes studying futile. Do not go on a study marathon. Instead, study in short but frequent sessions and take breathers in between.
  6. Engage in study groups, Two heads are better than one – so goes the cliché. Learning with a group is synergetic. You get to share your opinions, ideas, and views, and at the same time it is a venue for clarifying mind-boggling matters. It is also more interesting and challenging because you gain different perspectives or outlooks.
  7. Understand concepts instead of memorizing details, Most of the time students pass exams and quizzes with flying colors. But after a while, their knowledge of the subject matter would already slip their minds. This is mainly due to a wrong approach to learning – that of memorization. Memorization is only short-term "disguised learning". If one develops the habit of understanding concepts rather than focusing on details, the learning process will flow smoothly and will have a long-term impact.
  8. Use shortcuts, Applying shortcuts to your study habits maximize your learning skills. You accomplish more when you abbreviate in note-taking, when you focus your notes around ideas instead of taking them down verbatim, and when you put everything straight into your computer. In this day and age, we need to pack a lot of information into a very limited timeframe.
  9. Manage your time wisely, Learning is an ongoing skill. Hand in hand with your goal-setting is allotting and managing your time for things to be done – projects to work on, homework to finish, and term papers and theses to submit. Time properly managed is time well spent. Even your time for socializing should be taken into consideration. Remember – all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!
  10. Reward yourself, It is important to make the learning experience enjoyable whenever possible. Try out things that may spark that craving within you to learn – listening to music, perhaps, or engaging in a delightful snack – whatever may inspire you. Continuous hours of studying will not only make you weary but also make you lose interest. The above tips show that devoting long hours to study does not necessarily yield productive results. Studying efficientliny and effectively are the key factors to learning better.
  11. Make Learning is Fun, like we enjoy playing games, we like that stuff and wanna always play that.. 


When You First Time In Bali, Indonesia

Bali location is south of the equator Bali can be considered a real tropical island with an average temperature of 22ºC in the mountain regions and up to 30ºC along the coast.
Bali has two seasons: the wet season (monsoon) and the dry season. During the monsoon the humidity level can reach 97%. So you can imagine that if you add the high temperature to the high humidity it can become a sweaty situation. Sometimes thought it was even pretty chilly in the evening while staying around Ubud and make sure you have some warm clothing with you too while travelling in the mountainous areas of Munduk and Batukaru.
Theoretically the monsoon starts around the end of October and lasts until April. But in reality the rain can come later or it can keep on pouring well into May. Generally the best time to go is from May to September. But still expect some tropical rain spells during this time, especially in the mountains. The good thing about it though is that the rain can fall from the sky with buckets of water at once and often stops within an hour leaving a refreshing scent everywhere.

The Imprtant thing is about Indonesian Currency

The currency of Indonesia is the Rupiah, usually marked as Rp or IDR. Indonesia is still very much a cash-based society, and credit cards are still not accepted in many places.
Coins start at Rp100 up to Rp500

A bronze Rp500 is slowly disappearing. There is also now a new Rp1000 coin:

It may eventually replace the Rp1000 banknote, though at the moment it is relatively rare.
Banknotes come in denominations of Rp1000 up to Rp100 000:

The ABCs of Indonesian ATMs
Almost all Indonesian ATMs are connected to the Maestro/Cirrus network, and provide the choice of English or Indonesian instructions.

 Most ATMs dispense Rp50 000 notes (about $US6), although some give Rp100 000 (about $US12) notes. It is usually marked whether it is Rp50 000 or Rp100 000. If possible, avoid the latter unless you are e.g. about to buy something expensive. If you want to minimise transaction fees, get the maximum amount: Rp1 250 000 ($US140) for the Rp50 000 ATMs, Rp2 500 000 ($US280) for the Rp100 000 ATMs. In regional and remote areas, the most common bank is BRI (pronounced “BAY UR EEE”), but not all branches have ATMs.

In smaller cities, you might also find an ATM that dispenses Rp20 000 notes, up to a maximum of Rp500 000 ($US60) per transaction.

Source : http://flights.indonesiamatters.com/1899-idr-visitors-guide/


Animals Calendar of Chinese Zodiac

Gong Xi (恭禧) is congratulations or respectfully wishing one joy.
Fa Cai (發財) is to become rich or to make money.

Thus, Gong Xi Fa Cai means wishing you to be prosperous in the coming year.

These 12 animals represent the rotating 12-year cycle that is the basis of the Chinese Zodiac. You’ve likely heard reference to a particular year being the “Year of the Rabbit” or “Year of the Pig.” Displayed below are the characteristics of those born in the year of the listed animals.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rat are quick-witted, clever, charming, sharp and funny. They have excellent taste, are a good friend and are generous and loyal to others considered part of its pack. Motivated by money, can be greedy, is ever curious, seeks knowledge and welcomes challenges. Compatible with Dragon or Monkey.
Another of the powerful Chinese Zodiac signs, the Ox is steadfast, solid, a goal-oriented leader, detail-oriented, hard-working, stubborn, serious and introverted but can feel lonely and insecure. Takes comfort in friends and family and is a reliable, protective and strong companion. Compatible with Snake or Rooster.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Tiger are authoritative, self-possessed, have strong leadership qualities, are charming, ambitious, courageous, warm-hearted, highly seductive, moody, intense, and they’re ready to pounce at any time. Compatible with Horse or Dog.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rabbit enjoy being surrounded by family and friends. They’re popular, compassionate, sincere, and they like to avoid conflict and are sometimes seen as pushovers. Rabbits enjoy home and entertaining at home. Compatible with Goat or Pig.
A powerful sign, those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dragon are energetic and warm-hearted, charismatic, lucky at love and egotistic. They’re natural born leaders, good at giving orders and doing what’s necessary to remain on top. Compatible with Monkey and Rat.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Snake are seductive, gregarious, introverted, generous, charming, good with money, analytical, insecure, jealous, slightly dangerous, smart, they rely on gut feelings, are hard-working and intelligent. Compatible with Rooster or Ox.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse love to roam free. They’re energetic, self-reliant, money-wise, and they enjoy traveling, love and intimacy. They’re great at seducing, sharp-witted, impatient and sometimes seen as a drifter. Compatible with Dog or Tiger.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Goat enjoy being alone in their thoughts. They’re creative, thinkers, wanderers, unorganized, high-strung and insecure, and can be anxiety-ridden. They need lots of love, support and reassurance. Appearance is important too. Compatible with Pig or Rabbit.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Monkey thrive on having fun. They’re energetic, upbeat, and good at listening but lack self-control. They like being active and stimulated and enjoy pleasing self before pleasing others. They’re heart-breakers, not good at long-term relationships, morals are weak. Compatible with Rat or Dragon.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster are practical, resourceful, observant, analytical, straightforward, trusting, honest, perfectionists, neat and conservative. Compatible with Ox or Snake.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dog are loyal, faithful, honest, distrustful, often guilty of telling white lies, temperamental, prone to mood swings, dogmatic, and sensitive. Dogs excel in business but have trouble finding mates. Compatible with Tiger or Horse.
Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Pig are extremely nice, good-mannered and tasteful. They’re perfectionists who enjoy finer things but are not perceived as snobs. They enjoy helping others and are good companions until someone close crosses them, then look out! They’re intelligent, always seeking more knowledge, and exclusive. Compatible with Rabbit or Goat.

How to Safe Driving

Beyond acquiring basic car control skills -- and exercising good judgment behind the wheel -- there are a few basic rules for safe driving that everyone should know -- and follow:
Don't tailgate : Crowding the car ahead of you makes it more likely you'll smash into it if the driver should suddenly brake. Modern safety devices such as anti-lock brakes and traction control don't trump physics.
Obey the three second rule : Every driver should know and heed the three second rule: When the vehicle ahead of you passes a fixed object (such as a tree or telephone pole) slowly count "one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand." If you reach the object before completing the count, you're following too closely. Double your following distance (to six seconds) in poor weather.
Use turn signals : Failing to signal your intentions to other motorists is always dangerous -- as well as discourteous. Other motorists are not psychic; they can't guess that you are planning on making a right turn -- or about to move into the next lane. Signaling is especially important for the safety of motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians, too. If they are in your blind spot and you just assume no one's there and execute a maneuver without signaling first, these folks will get no advance warning -- and will suffer the most if you strike them.
Don't impede the flow of traffic : Driving too slowly can be more dangerous than driving a little faster than the posted limit. In a high-density situation, with many others vehicles sharing the road, a dawdler creates what amounts to a rolling roadblock. Traffic snarls; motorists jockey for position -- the smooth flow of cars is interrupted. Try to drive with the flow of traffic -- and if the car behind you clearly wishes to go faster, the best thing to do is let it get by, whether you are "doing the limit" already or not. The other driver may have an emergency you are unaware of -- and in any event, it is simply safer and more courteous to yield to faster-moving traffic. Leave enforcement of speed limits to the police.
Maintain appropriate speed : Speed, as such, doesn't kill. If it did, airliners traveling at 500 mph would have the highest accident/fatality rates of any form of transportation. But air travel is in fact much safer than driving -- and few cars travel at 500 mph. The problem is inappropriate speed. For example, while it may be perfectly legal to drive 65 mph on the highway, if you don't slow down when it's raining heavily (or snowing) and your visibility as well as your car's stopping ability are reduced -- you increase your chances of having an accident. Similarly, if you are driving an unfamiliar road, especially a country road with many blind curves, you may not be able to negotiate the road at the same speed a local might with equal safety. Use your judgment -- and adjust speed to match conditions and your comfort level.
Plan ahead/use your mirrors : Anticipate the need to brake or make lane changes, etc. by constantly scanning your driving environment and watching the actions of other drivers, pedestrians and so on. This way, it's less likely you'll need to jam on the brakes -- or make sudden steering changes -- to avoid problems. The best drivers always maintain "situational awareness" -- where other cars are in relation to their vehicle, what's coming up ahead -- and what's happening on either side of them and behind them. Use your mirrors -- frequently.
Drive within your limits, the limits set by conditions and the limits of your vehicle : SUVs are not as equipped as sporty cars to travel safely at higher speeds -- and sporty cars tend to get skittish much more readily when it snows. Older vehicles lacking modern tires or traction/stability enhancers don't have the same built-in edge as late model cars with those features. You'll need more time to slow down safely; the older car will also go into a skid with less provocation than a newer car equipped with an electronic stability aid. Don't drive faster than you -- or your vehicle -- can drive safely, with ample "cushion" of time and space to make corrections and react to changing conditions and other motorists.
If you have the desire to become an even better driver -- and learn how to handle emergency situations such as panic braking and loss of vehicle control -- you may want to attend a driving school where you'll learn about vehicle handling dynamics on a closed course track under expert supervision. Many of these classes are taught by former race car drivers such as Bob Bondurant -- and while not inexpensive, they pay in heightened ability behind the wheel that could save your life down the road.
Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving: (1-800-842-7223) Phoenix, AZ. Advanced Teenage Driving (3 days, $3,095), Highway Survival Training (1 day, $1,175), High Performance Driving (2 days, $2,195).
Skip Barber Driving School: (1-800-221-1131) CA and CT. One or two-day programs, $995-$1,295.
Master Drive Driver Training School: (1-719-260-0999) Denver, CO. Teen, senior and high-performance courses (call for prices, dates and availability).

Just make you safe and not end like this...

Be happy return to home, met your family. 



Relaxation Therapy

In this stress-filled world we live in, let’s face it, we all can benefit from Relaxation Therapy.
And, of course, Find Me A Hobby is here to help you find a hobby that can help you relax and get more out of life. And, if you’re looking for some ideas strictly for stress reduction and relaxation, here are some therapeutic ideas.

Aromatherapy - very relaxing and can help alleviate discomforts from sickness while boosting the immune system.
Meditation - to achieve a deeper state of relaxation, 10 to 15 minutes a day of quiet time can carry you through the most stressful of days.
Exercise - as we all know, daily exercise is a must for our health and well being. See our page on walking to get you started.
Laughter Yoga - Laugh your way to a better state of mind.
Music Therapy to promote wellness - quiet nature sounds, soothing waterfalls.
Massage Therapy to rejuvenate the mind and body. Visit your local spa on a regular basis.
Reiki - Laying on Hands.
Breathing Therapy - just 15 minutes of deep breathing can restore your energy level to carry you through the day.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation - tensing and releasing muscles throughout your body. This is highly recommended for fibromyalgia patients.
Guided Imagery through Visualization. Have a favorite vacation spot? Picture yourself there, sitting on the beach, listening to the waves hitting the shore as you soak up the warm sunshine. Listen to your breathing.
Curl up with a good book to take you away from the stress around you. Whether it’s an inspirational book, a good mystery or romance novel, it can serve as a necessary escape from everyday problems that plague you.
Water Therapy. Soak in a hot tub. Use a little Epsom Salts to relieve muscle pain. Light a few scented candles. Create a home spa atmosphere as your personal getaway.
Help a needy person - doing any kind of volunteer work helps you forget about your own problems, making you more appreciative of your own circumstances.
Sing. Break out in song, sing in the shower, with the radio while you're driving to work, or have a family sing-a-long. You'll feel great.
Holidays get you stressed out? Sit back and relax with a soothing cup of herbal tea.


Tips prevent phone radiation effects

Tips for smarter ways to prevent this HP mobile phone radiation effects need to be read in order to reduce the harmful effects to health of mobile phone usage. There has been no final studies stating that mobile phone radiation generated by a detrimental effect on health. However, it is better if we begin to prevent possible adverse effects of radiation exposure from an early age.
Here are some tips or things you can do to begin to avoid the effects of mobile phone radiation could be detrimental to our health on the other days. The following tips:

Prevent the possibility of radiation from mobile phone :
  • Use speakers or headset
Headset phones do not emit as much radiation. The researchers still do not agree to tell which is
more secure, whether using a wired headset or not. Because it is said, a headset with a cord is still
out of radiation, even in small degree. So, if in a state of quiet, and not disturb other people, it
helps if you occasionally answer the phone using the speaker mode.
  • Expand listening, less talking
Mobile phones emit radiation when you are talking or typing an SMS, but do not emit radiation while it is receiving messages. So, try to listen more when talking with the phone, rather than speaking.
  • SMS
The phone does not use much energy when we send the text rather than when the phone is asked to send our voice. That is, power is reduced, the radiation released was also reduced. Moreover, when we are typing an SMS, which means we the phone away from our heads.
  • As far as arm
When you use the headset to answer the phone, try to keep the phone from the ear, chest, or waist. These parts, including the stomach is the body parts are easy to absorb radiation. Try to keep the phone that is receiving a call through the headset from your stomach.
  • The signal is lost? Turn off the course.
When the phone can not receive enough signal, he must issue a firmer effort to find the transmitter tower. This means more emissions of it out. When you have to use the phone, try the signal is in full. Moreover, the phone is too long trying to find the signal will only be spent batteries.
  • No need to shield
When you use protective gloves in addition to phone, meaning you close the phone lines to be able to work optimally. That is, he will try harder to find the signal, so that more radiation that she remove it.
  • Reduce the use of mobile phones on children
Children’s brains absorb radiation twice as many mobile phones than adults. It is recommended to keep the children from the phone to protect it from danger of the unknown future