
Batik "why not ??"

As a person whose land pekalongan known as a center of batik, I want to-for ya information about batik.
Posts by wipedia word Batik originated from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "point". The word batik refers to the cloth with a pattern generated by the material "night" (wax) is applied onto the fabric, so resist the entry of the dye (dye), or in English "wax-resist dyeing".
That description of the word batik, this picture the picture

T-shirt and batik is one of two of the processed material batik.
There are expensive but there are also inexpensive, usually distinguished from 'whether the suit / shirt in pembuatanya printed or in writing' and batik batik is more expensive than screen printing.
The phenomenon of today's teens are more likely to European culture, batik into something that is less popular than the burgers, klubing et al.

Irony is when we look at that there is a serious Caucasians learn batik and other Javanese culture while those Java / Indonesia itself is less interested in his own culture .. hehe * I also can mbatik g, but I often pake batik clothing *..
therefore we instil a love of cultural Ayoo Java / Indonesia Indonesia so that the youths did not lose its identity as the nation's youth ...


Bus Trans Jogja

Trans-Jogja Bus, this naming is written in the body of a large bus with a distinctive color combination of green and yellow. This bus began operating on February 18, 2008 to coincide with Monday. Buses with a capacity of 41 passengers with details of 22 seats and 19 standing this, in addition equipped with air conditioning (AC) will also be equipped with emergency exit as well as glass-breaking tool that is used when in an emergency. Supported approximately 76 shelters and 54 bus fleet transportation in the city of Yogyakarta has become an alternative means of transportation that is convenient for the people of Yogya, especially with the distance between the bus with one another in a single lane bus about 15 minutes then it can be estimated that the waiting time at bus stops provided not too long.
And this is a way to reduce air pollution caused by the increasing number of motor vehicles in this Jogja .. cayoo Trans Jogja bus .. and for the municipal government of Yogyakarta, continue to produce policies that can make jogja develop and comfortable .. we wait for the other actions ..^_^

Save Water For Our Future "Selamat Hari Bumi"

Do you ever did not touch the water in one day?

yes ... most of humanity will never say Water is the source of life. However, today our country Indonesia is ill due to the water, ranging from floods to drought events. Indonesia region, according to LIPI, has 6% of world water supply or water supply about 21% Asia Pacific. But why scarcity and difficulty in obtaining clean water and proper use become a problem that began to appear in many places and the more urgent from year to year. The trend of water consumption increased significantly, while the availability of clean water tends to slow down due to the destruction of nature and pollution, which is estimated at 15-35% per capita per year. Thus in Indonesia, with a total population of more than 200 million, the need for clean water is becoming increasingly urgent.
Well friend - a friend Quote this condition survive without the existence of a continuous effort to reduce damage to nature and pollution shall surely one day we will experience a period in which to get clean water is very difficult.
Aa Gymnastiar quoting "3M" is:

* Starting from a small .-> trash in place, saving in water usage daily

* Starting with yourself .-> start of a pattern we fikir

* From this moment .-> and let us start from now



Two Tumbs Up 4 KickAndy

Yaa .. kick andy
The show that aired every WIQ at 22:15 (Indonesia Time Qiqi) on Thursday in the metro this tv is incredible ..
Quote watch can sometimes laugh until tears dripping and vice versa, can be moved until sobbing (^_^). indeed this is because the figures are invited to be guest star is a person personal personal-distinct from society most . They have a unique and spectacular spirit by exploiting the uniqueness of it.
and pulled again this event to distribute free books to the audience that there distudio and the surfers who enter the lottery www.kickandy.com book on his website.
Andy F Noya, this is the person who was asked to be a presenter at this event. why this event was a named kick andy. style typical laugh with questions that are not impressed mengintrogerasi guest star and intelligent chatter-chatter that appears on the sidelines of this event, it becomes a very tasty seasoning blend to be enjoyed by us as spectators.
Dikeramaian patron-patron and infotainment-infotainment that the value of the benefit is much less pronounced for the audience can even be toxic to the minds of the audience, kickandy appear to be an event that presents an alternative to the realities of social life to be learned that can awaken a khikmah motivation in self-the audience as she opened the eyes of the officials in this country of the reality that happen to people who had been represented by their ...
Oh, yes, there is unfortunately hehe as long as I participate in sweepstakes kickandy book, I've never dapet dapet. Quote've ever dapet there, you know the secret dunk. ^ _ ^
Anyway Two tumbs up deh Kickandy create event, hope to move on and add creative ...$$


if I'm Jumper , "anywhere is possible"

Have Ever watched the movie Jumper? ...
klo yet, watch a movie and had fun making dreams - dreams in childhood appear again ..
Imagine this,
if we pingin to a place that we want, which wrote that as long as it is still on this earth just by thinking about the place and the concentration of peekaboo .. in seconds we were in that place .. hehe cool I think tu,, pengennnn ^ _ ^
want to eat a burger on the statue Spink, going to six places around the world wonders (if already borobudur mah), the highest summit of the mountain like the Himalayas, where he is going in jabanin Quote aja have the ability like that ..
the real question in my mind "if anyone has the ability as a jumper in the real world?"
emmm Quote to eat burgers and begaya like David (the actor) on the square, drinking cola Lor ... I can ...
yes, life had to be in the enjoy, in any condition we should be thankful for what God has given to us

Life as usual must go on and struggle must be continued!


i'm come back

hi hi hi ...

ehem .. nearly two months ak g ya no post in my blog who is black.
accompanied kotangsu (URC as a coffee shop next to the coffee cups milk liability) ak try to write in a black sheet on the sheet located at mazQQ.blogspot.com.
ak confused sometimes ya want to write anything here, it's known klo said some friends to learn more.
But after difikir ... it's just an apology for myself who is slow in the proceeds if the expression is swallowed bulet2 ak .. fiuuh.
Some other friends suggested that "write what you wrote is there difikiranmu then, by trying to write you'll know the extent to which the tip of an idea that is in the mind".
Well now ak ya have any ideas to make for a science-for file2 ever wrote ak can be from anywhere, either from the download on the internet ato dapet from friends ..
As the attention of some of these files belong to someone else so please thx downloaded but if there are things that caused by the file on your self .. hehe do not blame me ya .. i just want to share .. ok
While this can be used to share ak ...