
i'm come back

hi hi hi ...

ehem .. nearly two months ak g ya no post in my blog who is black.
accompanied kotangsu (URC as a coffee shop next to the coffee cups milk liability) ak try to write in a black sheet on the sheet located at mazQQ.blogspot.com.
ak confused sometimes ya want to write anything here, it's known klo said some friends to learn more.
But after difikir ... it's just an apology for myself who is slow in the proceeds if the expression is swallowed bulet2 ak .. fiuuh.
Some other friends suggested that "write what you wrote is there difikiranmu then, by trying to write you'll know the extent to which the tip of an idea that is in the mind".
Well now ak ya have any ideas to make for a science-for file2 ever wrote ak can be from anywhere, either from the download on the internet ato dapet from friends ..
As the attention of some of these files belong to someone else so please thx downloaded but if there are things that caused by the file on your self .. hehe do not blame me ya .. i just want to share .. ok
While this can be used to share ak ...

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