
How to add colour in a monochrome yard

I am going to assume your yard has mostly sunny areas, so here are five ways to easily add some colorful spots to your small garden to brighten it up, keep it low maintenance, water friendly, and fit into your small area.

1. Add Succulents

In your climate zone which is around a USDA Zone 8 to 9

Zone 8:
(10 to 20° F, -12 to -7° C)

Zone 9:
(20 to 30° F, -7 to -1° C)

You can easily support the growth of succulents. Many people don't use succulents to their best advantage because they think they are boring, but with so many new varieties available now, don't overlook these useful plants!

They come in all shades of gray, gray-blue, green, red, purple, and pink foliage, and many flower profusely for several months out of the year.

Just look at some of these pictures for ideas and to see how they could easily brighten up your yard!

2. Add Hanging Baskets

Another quick and easy way to add color to your yard is to have a few hanging baskets. They are fast to make, easy to care for, and take up very little space.

3. Add Plants With Different Sizes, Variegated Leaves, And Texture

There are so many different varieties of trees and shrubs these days, it's easy to pick out plants that, just through their color and texture, can add a lot to a yard or garden. Plants such as hosta, viburnum, and maple.

4. Add Plants With Different Leaf Color

Plants like Coleus, Croton, or New Zealand Flax (Phormium) naturally add interest with their bold colors.

5. Add Colorful Pots

We talked about this last month (Add A Bold Statement With Colorful Post), that by just adding a few colorful pots, with or without plants, you can really add some zest and pop to your yard.

Thanks for the question Chantell; see you all next month with another Gardening Design Idea!

"source : http://www.weekendgardener.net

Beware For The unexpected Crime

Theft, robbery or revenge is a modus operandi of the crime that often occurs around the boardinghouse. There is a story against the backdrop of the true story of a friend who happened before my eyes a few days ago.

Here's the story ... then at 2 pm GMT at a boarding sound HELP! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Followed "HPku robbed". Cries for help are the first and second I just bercandaan cuman kirain long kok transmissivity, therefore all the inhabitants of boarding and finally out of the room all in unison with the sound of the motor was moving away with a distinctive voice RX King. With our startled to see a friend with blood pouring from wounds all over his jab in his body. difikiranku tense moment, fear etc. mixed into one, cuman what can we do for our friends is to save his life first. With my friend bike ride on a bicycle to the hospital with her ​​other friend to get first aid. Imagine three blows on the head samurai and 8 other wounds on his body blows. shirt and pants do not feel too wet by fresh blood from my friend that I ride on a bicycle, oh God this is my Wonderfull and very Valuable Experience for me. for the friend a friend who lives in a boarding house be careful,,,,
with suspicious people who brkeliaran boarding area.
ndak probably nothing wrong time ye ... we have guns to defend themselves ..

keep your eyes ON!!


What happen with this word "wait = menunggu.... " ???

Attendre{in french}==Ngentenni{in java language}

yeah like that.. the expression of peoples, when they are waiting for something.
hehehe maybe with still"waiting", somebody will get something that they wanted..
but they have much probability for fail... yeahh that's Live..
we got something or not, life must go on...

actually, now I'm still wait 4 something (big thing)...

cayyyoo For Alll.....
You wanna wait or stop

"life is simple, U make a choice and don't look back"


Story Of LovE "Arya n Cinta"

Have U ever been in luv
You gave me a love to believe in ""Celin Dion n Yuna ito said in their song""
When I'm not believe with luv

I wanna tell story about the journey of luv
the story tell us about two people in Luv
boy's name is Arya , and the girl's name is Cinta
Cinta came from a long place, in leather word
in a day suddenly she came with little smile
gave greeting to Arya in his office..
the both of eyes look up each other..

He didn't know what happen with his fell with Cinta
arya was very interest to know the girl's name..
and then they was introduce each other,,
just that was happen at the time.
arya looked for Yahoo messenger from his friend in office
and he got it... ..
on the tomorrow he add to the messenger list Cinta's ID
and he got approve from her...
story be continous every day they chat on internet,,,,
in a saturday arya write status on the messenger,
he writed " saturday night?? have u idea about saturday night?"
ups,, not for long time he got message
"Cinta : i have idea for you
" You wanna know that?
"Arya : yup.. of course
"Cinta : wait,, be patient
eee you can go home and sleep early
"Arya : wew its standart,,
how about weekend with U
do U accept it?
"Cinta : what!!!,, are you kidding?
is this serious? (embarrassed emotion)
"Arya : i'm serious
what's your answer? :d
"Cinta : i answer ya.
"Arya : is that mean, U wanna spent your night with me?
"Cinta : how about you?
owhh Arya can't believe it, that she accept his invitation
and he said " yeah of course, where is your house? "
wekekekekee, he got first date after many years...
and for long time he wasn't believe with love..
three years ago he have a girlfriend and he loved her very much,
but he got comming of treason... ohh that was beautiful story with
sad ending.....
ok back to the story'''''''
the night when arya went to the Cantik's house he got strayed away.. uuhh
not to good but thats fine, just littlebit unlucky. then Cinta guide him by phone to got her house and binggo he got house with green colour and a girl stand beside the door looked like waited someone..
yeah right this house. they was smile "ohh my God U can get here, long trip..
i think U need drink, comming in" cintas said.
arya : hei you look so beautiful to night
Cinta : thank's (embarrassed)

To be continued......


It's about name of something

Back to four years agoin a forum I was asked by a man"Why is this thing called a pencil?" (Pointing to a pencil)and I replied "because it's a pencil .." he just smiled at my answer ..and that too makes me wonder a little offended with "what the smile meant he was"ak now realize how my understanding of something (thing) at the time it just was still preoccupied with something called the present (only at this time only).but that was four years ago and I think I now have changed ..want to know what I would not answer if the question was repeated to me now .. I will answer "because in ancient times there is an object that makes a long, thin, lead can be used to write and made of wood which he ato man in those days called" pencil ".
hehe ... naming an object is a peringkasan identification that is attached to the object and relies heavily on general agreement that will apply after naming it happen.
well now the naming of objects is related to the nature of the object as an example of how we call a child who has a sharp nose, high and well-built and proportioned facial shape, we will automatically memnggilnya with young handsome tile eh [maap one tulliss ..]
I think the naming of objects is divided into .. kinds:

  • The first, which is based naming by the name attached by the inventor of these objects as examples of various species of plants etc.
  • second, the naming is based on proficiency level of function objects. For example, you've heard people mention g "I want to buy a seat" why did not directly say "I want to buy a seat" in naming an object so there are elements of logic (mathematics: = etc) chair = a seat, the one thing really could have various names such as 4 = 1 +3, 4 = 2x2 etc. This often grounded by the function performed by these objects reply ..
  • Third, naming return for an object that is based from the mention by someone and was followed by many people .. example: there are people named "Faturrahman", but often even sehari2 he was called by the name "Yapat" What mortar do .. and indeed essentially kadang2 ngasal ..
maap before I wrote this is the result of my own thoughts, yes more fitting jd wrote thinking about this is if there are other less agree ato ..... wekekekeke ajah please give comment ...


Make Your Dream Come True

Wake up boys, don't just be a dreamer
life is reality
make your dream come true !!!!!!
You can use this way to get that....

1. Discover the Awesome Power of a Dream.

Allow yourself the courage and freedom to even fantasise until you get a vision, a dream of what your life could one day stand for. Meditate deeply, pray, ask God, The Great Designer, what is your unique "calling in life", your purpose... and you WILL eventually get the answer... from the "still quiet voice within" (or your Higher Self)

2. Your dream must be backed by ACTION.

Achievers are dreamers and DOERS. Take small steps and you'll find that one step leads to another, then the next. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

3. Develop a 'God Consciousness'

TRUST, really trust God, the Spirit of the Universe for the successful outcome to your endeavours. It WILL happen, though not in your time-frame and according exactly to your expectations. But always remember, God's dreams are far bigger than we could ever imagine ourselves.

4. DEVELOP YOUR DESIRE to see the dream come to fruition.

Work on your motivation daily. Allow your Dream to be at the fore-front of your life, the "core of your being". It will motivate, inspire and energise you by giving you a SENSE OF PURPOSE - essential. Only YOU have the power to kill your dream. Nothing is impossible to the person, whose vision becomes a dream and when that dream is allowed to take control over your life. Like an obsession... but strive for balance (heed that one, Craig).

5. Develop a Success Consciousness, that you will achieve your dream one day.

It's a positive pattern of thinking, a great attitude/mind-set to have, which will propel you down the road to success. Think abundance and prosperity and not lack.... and you will draw it to yourself from the Universe.

6. Don't surrender to negative assumptions.

Eg."I'm too old, a woman, have no money, no resources, no contacts". Challenge them. Nothing is impossible to the person who has the desire to succeed. As the proverb says, " where there's a will, there's a way".

7. Be patient.

Like a good wine, a great dream usually takes many years to mature and then blossom. When nothing seems to be happening, don't give up hope. Never.

8. Never Give Up on the Core of your Dream. Never!

Ask yourself this vital question: What are the alternatives to
NOT dreaming it... and only YOU can kill your grand vision..


when I'm.....

when I'm not sure this way can give things that i want
i don't want to stand alone without my big dream
and what I did can't be undone,,,it's tearing me apart
for me Love is not for this time
love is not things real for me
lie, dishonesty ate me away like cancer
all of fact looked relative on my eyes

I feel Your power
Hear my prayer, I'm in your hands now
Bring me home again
I believe You can do anything
Everything that You want will be true
Answer my prayer,, answer my prayer...


Batik "why not ??"

As a person whose land pekalongan known as a center of batik, I want to-for ya information about batik.
Posts by wipedia word Batik originated from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "point". The word batik refers to the cloth with a pattern generated by the material "night" (wax) is applied onto the fabric, so resist the entry of the dye (dye), or in English "wax-resist dyeing".
That description of the word batik, this picture the picture

T-shirt and batik is one of two of the processed material batik.
There are expensive but there are also inexpensive, usually distinguished from 'whether the suit / shirt in pembuatanya printed or in writing' and batik batik is more expensive than screen printing.
The phenomenon of today's teens are more likely to European culture, batik into something that is less popular than the burgers, klubing et al.

Irony is when we look at that there is a serious Caucasians learn batik and other Javanese culture while those Java / Indonesia itself is less interested in his own culture .. hehe * I also can mbatik g, but I often pake batik clothing *..
therefore we instil a love of cultural Ayoo Java / Indonesia Indonesia so that the youths did not lose its identity as the nation's youth ...


Bus Trans Jogja

Trans-Jogja Bus, this naming is written in the body of a large bus with a distinctive color combination of green and yellow. This bus began operating on February 18, 2008 to coincide with Monday. Buses with a capacity of 41 passengers with details of 22 seats and 19 standing this, in addition equipped with air conditioning (AC) will also be equipped with emergency exit as well as glass-breaking tool that is used when in an emergency. Supported approximately 76 shelters and 54 bus fleet transportation in the city of Yogyakarta has become an alternative means of transportation that is convenient for the people of Yogya, especially with the distance between the bus with one another in a single lane bus about 15 minutes then it can be estimated that the waiting time at bus stops provided not too long.
And this is a way to reduce air pollution caused by the increasing number of motor vehicles in this Jogja .. cayoo Trans Jogja bus .. and for the municipal government of Yogyakarta, continue to produce policies that can make jogja develop and comfortable .. we wait for the other actions ..^_^

Save Water For Our Future "Selamat Hari Bumi"

Do you ever did not touch the water in one day?

yes ... most of humanity will never say Water is the source of life. However, today our country Indonesia is ill due to the water, ranging from floods to drought events. Indonesia region, according to LIPI, has 6% of world water supply or water supply about 21% Asia Pacific. But why scarcity and difficulty in obtaining clean water and proper use become a problem that began to appear in many places and the more urgent from year to year. The trend of water consumption increased significantly, while the availability of clean water tends to slow down due to the destruction of nature and pollution, which is estimated at 15-35% per capita per year. Thus in Indonesia, with a total population of more than 200 million, the need for clean water is becoming increasingly urgent.
Well friend - a friend Quote this condition survive without the existence of a continuous effort to reduce damage to nature and pollution shall surely one day we will experience a period in which to get clean water is very difficult.
Aa Gymnastiar quoting "3M" is:

* Starting from a small .-> trash in place, saving in water usage daily

* Starting with yourself .-> start of a pattern we fikir

* From this moment .-> and let us start from now



Two Tumbs Up 4 KickAndy

Yaa .. kick andy
The show that aired every WIQ at 22:15 (Indonesia Time Qiqi) on Thursday in the metro this tv is incredible ..
Quote watch can sometimes laugh until tears dripping and vice versa, can be moved until sobbing (^_^). indeed this is because the figures are invited to be guest star is a person personal personal-distinct from society most . They have a unique and spectacular spirit by exploiting the uniqueness of it.
and pulled again this event to distribute free books to the audience that there distudio and the surfers who enter the lottery www.kickandy.com book on his website.
Andy F Noya, this is the person who was asked to be a presenter at this event. why this event was a named kick andy. style typical laugh with questions that are not impressed mengintrogerasi guest star and intelligent chatter-chatter that appears on the sidelines of this event, it becomes a very tasty seasoning blend to be enjoyed by us as spectators.
Dikeramaian patron-patron and infotainment-infotainment that the value of the benefit is much less pronounced for the audience can even be toxic to the minds of the audience, kickandy appear to be an event that presents an alternative to the realities of social life to be learned that can awaken a khikmah motivation in self-the audience as she opened the eyes of the officials in this country of the reality that happen to people who had been represented by their ...
Oh, yes, there is unfortunately hehe as long as I participate in sweepstakes kickandy book, I've never dapet dapet. Quote've ever dapet there, you know the secret dunk. ^ _ ^
Anyway Two tumbs up deh Kickandy create event, hope to move on and add creative ...$$


if I'm Jumper , "anywhere is possible"

Have Ever watched the movie Jumper? ...
klo yet, watch a movie and had fun making dreams - dreams in childhood appear again ..
Imagine this,
if we pingin to a place that we want, which wrote that as long as it is still on this earth just by thinking about the place and the concentration of peekaboo .. in seconds we were in that place .. hehe cool I think tu,, pengennnn ^ _ ^
want to eat a burger on the statue Spink, going to six places around the world wonders (if already borobudur mah), the highest summit of the mountain like the Himalayas, where he is going in jabanin Quote aja have the ability like that ..
the real question in my mind "if anyone has the ability as a jumper in the real world?"
emmm Quote to eat burgers and begaya like David (the actor) on the square, drinking cola Lor ... I can ...
yes, life had to be in the enjoy, in any condition we should be thankful for what God has given to us

Life as usual must go on and struggle must be continued!


i'm come back

hi hi hi ...

ehem .. nearly two months ak g ya no post in my blog who is black.
accompanied kotangsu (URC as a coffee shop next to the coffee cups milk liability) ak try to write in a black sheet on the sheet located at mazQQ.blogspot.com.
ak confused sometimes ya want to write anything here, it's known klo said some friends to learn more.
But after difikir ... it's just an apology for myself who is slow in the proceeds if the expression is swallowed bulet2 ak .. fiuuh.
Some other friends suggested that "write what you wrote is there difikiranmu then, by trying to write you'll know the extent to which the tip of an idea that is in the mind".
Well now ak ya have any ideas to make for a science-for file2 ever wrote ak can be from anywhere, either from the download on the internet ato dapet from friends ..
As the attention of some of these files belong to someone else so please thx downloaded but if there are things that caused by the file on your self .. hehe do not blame me ya .. i just want to share .. ok
While this can be used to share ak ...


Peace for our self.

'''five days ago ak meet a friend, klo viewed from the side of quite different ages .. um ato4 5 years, which obviously older .. "maap bang" I'm then ask 'why it is hard to forget the negative things people do to us?' brother tu answer that because we have not been able to make peace with ourselves.
after that ak think what ya mean .... a long long time .. nah just now somewhat dong with the intention of the words of brother tu ..
The word peace klo we search on google then we can find the concept of peace alawikipedia, now there is described a klo can interpret the word peace in accordance withenvironmental conditions and the culture in which people live it, so that klo so ak also hasits own definition of the meaning of the phrase "Make peace with yourself ".
when we are trying to be calm and objective in meaning all the signs are presented to us, no exaggeration, firm and continue to use reasonable mind and conscience.

hehe back again on the young blood of people said it was hot-hot ... EMOTIONS tu heculprit. humane but many argue it should be controlled as well tetep thoo ..

oya when we forgive the mistakes of others was still some memory in the brain we have saved the segment that segment. so if I think forgiving is not forgetting.

after kuanalisis last statement is what makes us unable or difficult to make peace with yourself .. Quote itung itungan percentage we take the middle path wrote, forgetting is aprocess and the process takes time or delay ... so long as the delay we live life as usual''wrote 'full of spirit "and try to become the" good ".
refer to the Java * witing Tresno paribahasa cornerstone jalaraning be accustomed * ...long time the problem is also not forget yourself ... go with the flow aja .. best regards / / /peace / / /


Wanita di mata Lelaki...???/

Setiap kata, atau kenampaan yang terdeteksi oleh panca indera memiliki banyak makna, so maknailah apa yang sedang anda nikmati sekarang ini...???/




hehe on binung yak
because again semangat2nya french language learning Qt so kuawali encounter with a French online dictionary ....... say "welcome accueillir = = = sugeng rawuh welcome ".... Quote "Essayer = try = try = njajal"
ak so willing to try again that would later make a blog containing stories, poems, and pengalaman2 my way to becoming "ordinary people with extraordinary ideas"

as a preamble, ntar Quote temen2 again on seerba jalan2 in this virtual world do not forget to stop by for clay and clay content of my blog .. yes skalian commentnya awaited ..